In order to approach Big Local North Cleethorpes to help with funding your project there some things you need to be aware of so that you can show how:
- Residents of North Cleethorpes will benefit from the activity/project. (see map)
- There is a real sense that North Cleethorpes residents are in support of the activity/project.
- That the proposed activity/project contributes to the overarching outcomes of the Big Local North Cleethorpes Plan.
The plan areas are as follows:
– A Safe Clean environment for the Residents of and Visitors to North Cleethorpes
– Reducing Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour and increasing Public Safety
– Better Development of Local Facilities and Amenity Land for Culture, Leisure and Recreation
– A greatly improved housing situation for the residents of North Cleethorpes
So when anyone is considering asking for support it is a good idea to consider how what they are proposing, fits in to the general outlines of the plan. Once they have done that the Partnership require that they then approach John Mooney (The North Cleethorpes Big Local Development Worker) to go through their proposal before it is put to the partnership for consideration for investment.
This process applies to all potential investments, large and small.
Together with John Mooney you will look at whether there is other funding available which could augment any money Big Local is considering investing and, if a larger project, what plans there are in place to provide sustainability for the project.
If there is a need to present your proposal to the Partnership you will be asked to a meeting of the Partnership to share your project idea. John Mooney will support you in developing your presentation.
Once this has been done the Partnership will decide on what level of support, if any, they will give.
The Partnership must then ensure that the Local Trust are happy to proceed with the investment before any monies can be released.
Contact Details:
John Mooney